# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Request parser class for EasyDAV.''' import logging import os.path import unicodedata import urlparse import urllib import wsgiref.util import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError import davutils from davutils import DAVError from lock_manager import LockManager import webdavconfig as config class RequestInfo(object): '''Parses WSGI environment dictionary and gives easy access to parameters that are relevant for WebDAV. ''' def __init__(self, environ): self.environ = environ if logging.getLogger().level <= logging.DEBUG: self.log_environ() self.wsgi_input = environ['wsgi.input'] if self.wsgi_input: self.length = environ['wsgi.input'].length else: self.length = 0 self._lockmanager = None self.root_url = self.get_root_url() self.check_if_header() def get_lockmanager(self): '''Lazy construction for LockManager to avoid unnecessarily opening the database. ''' if self._lockmanager is None and config.lock_db: self._lockmanager = LockManager() return self._lockmanager lockmanager = property(get_lockmanager) def log_environ(self): '''Log relevant WSGI environment variables for debugging purposes.''' headers = ['HTTP_HOST', 'REQUEST_URI', 'PATH_INFO', 'HTTP_DESTINATION', 'HTTP_DEPTH', 'CONTENT_LENGTH', 'TRANSFER_ENCODING', 'HTTP_IF', 'HTTP_IF_MATCH', 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', 'HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN', 'HTTP_X_LITMUS'] result = "" for header in headers: if self.environ.has_key(header): result += header + ': ' + repr(self.environ[header]) + '\n' logging.debug('RequestInfo:\n' + result) def get_root_url(self): '''Get the url where the webdav resource is located. E.g. 'http://server/path/webdav.cgi/' ''' if config.root_url is not None: url = config.root_url else: url = wsgiref.util.guess_scheme(self.environ) # 'http' or 'https' url += '://' + self.environ['HTTP_HOST'] if self.environ.has_key('REQUEST_URI'): full_path = urllib.unquote(self.environ['REQUEST_URI']) assert full_path.startswith('/') rel_path = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') assert full_path.endswith(rel_path) full_path = full_path[:-len(rel_path)] url += urllib.quote(full_path) # Some programs require the root directory url to include # a trailing slash, because otherwise Apache performs a # 302 Found redirect to the version with a slash. if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/' return url def check_if_header(self): '''Check the If: header to determine whether the request should be executed. Fills in self.provided_tokens or raises DAVError('412') if conditions are not satisfied. ''' self.provided_tokens = [] if not self.environ.has_key('HTTP_IF'): return True all_passed = False for uri, conditions in davutils.parse_if_header(self.environ['HTTP_IF']): if uri is None: rel_path = self.parse_request_path() else: rel_path = self.parse_simple_ref(uri) for c_type, c_invert, c_value in conditions: if c_type == 'etag': real_path = self.get_real_path(rel_path, 'r') cond_passed = (davutils.create_etag(real_path) == c_value) elif c_type == 'token': cond_passed = self.lockmanager.validate_lock(rel_path, c_value) self.provided_tokens.append((rel_path, c_value)) if c_invert: cond_passed = not cond_passed if not cond_passed: break else: all_passed = True if not all_passed: raise DAVError('412 Precondition Failed: If header') def assert_read(self, real_path): '''Verify that a remote web dav user is allowed to read this path, and that the path exists. Throws DAVError otherwise. The path can be either a file or a directory. ''' if not davutils.path_inside_directory(real_path, config.root_dir): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: Path is outside root_dir') if davutils.compare_path(real_path, config.restrict_access): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: restrict_access') if not os.path.exists(real_path): raise DAVError('404 Not Found') if not os.access(real_path, os.R_OK): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: File mode excludes read') def assert_write(self, real_path, check_locks = True): '''Verify that a remote web dav user is allowed to write this path. Throws DAVError otherwise. If the path does not exist, checks that the user is allowed to create a directory or a file at this path. If the path exists, checks that the file or directory can be overwritten. If the resource is locked, verifies that the request included a valid If:-header with the lock token. ''' if not davutils.path_inside_directory(real_path, config.root_dir): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: Path is outside root_dir') if davutils.compare_path(real_path, config.restrict_access): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: restrict_access') if davutils.compare_path(real_path, config.restrict_write): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: restrict_write') if not os.path.exists(real_path): # Check parent directory for permission to create file parent_dir = os.path.dirname(real_path) if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): raise DAVError('409 Conflict: Parent is not directory') if not os.access(parent_dir, os.W_OK): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: Parent mode excludes write') else: parent_dir = None if not os.access(real_path, os.W_OK): raise DAVError('403 Permission Denied: File mode excludes write') if check_locks: self.assert_locks(real_path) def assert_locks(self, real_path, recursive = False): '''Verify that there are no locks on the resource, or that the necessary locks have been provided by the client in the If: header. ''' if self.lockmanager: rel_path = davutils.get_relpath(real_path, config.root_dir) applied_locks = self.lockmanager.get_locks(rel_path, recursive) logging.debug('Locks on ' + repr(rel_path) + ': ' + repr(applied_locks)) if not os.path.exists(real_path): # Creating a new file, check parent directory for lock. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(rel_path) applied_locks += self.lockmanager.get_locks(parent_dir, 0) for lock in applied_locks: if lock.urn not in [token for path, token in self.provided_tokens]: raise DAVError('423 Locked: ' + repr(lock.path)) def assert_nobody(self): '''Verify that the request has no body or raise DAVError otherwise. From RFC4918: In cases where a request body is present but would be ignored by a server, the server MUST reject the request with 415 (Unsupported Media Type). ''' if self.length: raise DAVError('415 Unsupported Media Type') def get_real_path(self, rel_path, mode): '''Get real filesystem path based on a path relative to repository root. Also verifies proper access permissions or raises DAVError. ''' real_path = os.path.join(config.root_dir, rel_path) if config.unicode_normalize is not None: real_path = unicodedata.normalize(config.unicode_normalize, real_path) if mode == 'w': self.assert_write(real_path) elif mode == 'r': self.assert_read(real_path) elif mode == 'wl': # Used when locking a resource with a shared lock, # does not check for existing locks. self.assert_write(real_path, False) elif mode == 'wd': # Checks lock status on all files inside the directory. self.assert_write(real_path) self.assert_locks(real_path, True) else: raise ValueError('Invalid access mode, must be r or w.') return real_path def parse_request_path(self): '''Return relative path based on PATH_INFO.''' # Unlike a URI path, the PATH_INFO is not URL-encoded (RFC3875) path = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') path = unicode(path, 'utf-8').strip('/') return path def get_request_path(self, mode): '''Return the real filesystem path based on PATH_INFO from environment, and verify access rights. ''' return self.get_real_path(self.parse_request_path(), mode) def parse_simple_ref(self, simple_ref): '''Return a relative path for the given simple_ref reference. RFC4918: Simple-ref = absolute-URI | ( path-absolute [ "?" query ] ) ''' if simple_ref.startswith('/'): url = wsgiref.util.guess_scheme(environ) # 'http' or 'https' url += '://' + self.environ['HTTP_HOST'] url += simple_ref else: url = simple_ref if not url.startswith(self.root_url): return None rel_path = url[len(self.root_url):].strip('/') return unicode(urllib.unquote(rel_path), 'utf-8') def get_destination_path(self, mode): '''Return the real filesystem path for url given in HTTP Destination header and verify access rights. ''' request_url = self.environ.get('HTTP_DESTINATION', '') rel_path = self.parse_simple_ref(request_url) if rel_path is None: raise DAVError('502 Bad Gateway') return self.get_real_path(rel_path, mode) def get_url(self, real_path): '''Get a fully specified URI for the file referenced by path. The URL is encoded with % escapes. ''' rel_path = davutils.get_relpath(real_path, config.root_dir) rel_path = urllib.quote(rel_path.encode('utf-8')) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url, rel_path) if os.path.isdir(real_path) and not url.endswith('/'): url += '/' # Trailing slash for directories return url def get_depth(self, default = '0'): '''Get the Depth: -http header value. Returns integer >= 0 or -1 for 'infinity'. ''' depth = self.environ.get('HTTP_DEPTH', default) if depth == 'infinity': return -1 try: return int(depth) except ValueError: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Invalid Depth header') def get_timeout(self): parts = self.environ.get('HTTP_TIMEOUT', '').split(',') for part in parts: try: return davutils.parse_timeout(part) except ValueError: pass return None def get_overwrite(self): '''Get the HTTP Overwrite header, returning True if overwrite is allowed.''' overwrite = self.environ.get('HTTP_OVERWRITE', 'T').upper() if overwrite not in ['T', 'F']: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Invalid overwrite header') return overwrite == 'T' def check_ifmatch(self, etag): '''Parse and check HTTP If-Match and If-None-Match headers against the specified ETag. If this returns False, the calling function should abort with 412 Precondition Failed. ''' if_match = self.environ.get('HTTP_IF_MATCH', '') if_none_match = self.environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', '') if if_match and if_none_match: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: If-Match conflicts with If-None-Match') if if_match: return davutils.compare_etags(etag, if_match) else: return not davutils.compare_etags(etag, if_none_match) def get_xml_body(self): '''Decode the request body with ElementTree, returning an Element object or None.''' body = self.wsgi_input.read(self.length) if not body.strip(): return None try: return ET.fromstring(body) except ExpatError, e: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: ' + str(e)) def parse_propfind_body(self, allprops): '''Parse the XML body for a PROPFIND request. Returns a list of strings, specifying the requested properties, OR the special string 'propname' without any list. ''' body = self.get_xml_body() if not body: # Treat empty request body like allprop request return allprops if body.tag != '{DAV:}propfind': raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Root element is not propfind') if body.find('{DAV:}allprop'): include_element = body.find('{DAV:}include') if include_element: includes = [t.tag for t in include_element.getchildren()] return allprops + includes else: return allprops if body.find('{DAV:}propname'): return 'propname' prop_element = body.find('{DAV:}prop') if not prop_element: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: No prop in propfind') props = [t.tag for t in prop_element.getchildren()] return props def parse_proppatch(self): '''Parse the XML request body for a PROPPATCH request. Returns a list of instructions, represented as tuples of either type: - Sets: ('set', propname, propelement) - Removes: ('remove', propname, None) Propelement is a ElementTree element, with tag name same as propname. ''' body = self.get_xml_body() if body.tag != '{DAV:}propertyupdate': raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Root element is not propertyupdate') instructions = [] for element in body.getchildren(): if element.tag == '{DAV:}set': if element[0].tag != '{DAV:}prop': raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Non-prop element in DAV:set') for propelement in element[0]: instructions.append(('set', propelement.tag, propelement)) elif element.tag == '{DAV:}remove': if element[0].tag != '{DAV:}prop': raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Non-prop element in DAV:remove') for propelement in element[0]: instructions.append(('set', propelement.tag, None)) return instructions def parse_lock_body(self): '''Parse the XML request body for a LOCK request. Returns a tuple: (shared, owner) ''' body = self.get_xml_body() if body is None or body.tag != '{DAV:}lockinfo': raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Root element is not lockinfo') e_scope = body.find('{DAV:}lockscope') if e_scope.find('{DAV:}exclusive') is not None: shared = False elif e_scope.find('{DAV:}shared') is not None: shared = True else: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Unknown lockscope') e_type = body.find('{DAV:}locktype') if e_type.find('{DAV:}write') is None: raise DAVError('400 Bad Request: Unknown locktype') owner = body.find('{DAV:}owner') if owner is not None: owner = ET.tostring(owner) else: owner = '' return shared, owner if __name__ == '__main__': print "Unit tests" import tempfile, shutil config.root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'easydav-') testfile = os.path.join(config.root_dir, u'testfile%ä') open(testfile, 'w').write('foo') mgr = LockManager() lock = mgr.create_lock(u'testfile%ä', True, '', -1, 100) req = RequestInfo({ 'HTTP_HOST': 'example.com', 'REQUEST_URI': '/webdav.cgi/testfile%25%C3%A4', 'PATH_INFO': '/testfile%\xc3\xa4', 'HTTP_IF': '(<' + lock.urn + '>)', 'wsgi.input': None }) # When holding the lock assert req.get_request_path('r') assert req.get_request_path('w') mgr.release_lock(lock.path, lock.urn) lock = mgr.create_lock(u'testfile%ä', True, '', -1, 100) # When there is another lock assert req.get_request_path('r') try: assert not req.get_request_path('w') except DAVError: pass mgr.release_lock(lock.path, lock.urn) # When there are no locks assert req.get_request_path('r') assert req.get_request_path('w') assert req.get_url(testfile) == 'http://example.com/webdav.cgi/testfile%25%C3%A4' assert req.parse_simple_ref(req.get_url(testfile)) == u'testfile%ä' shutil.rmtree(config.root_dir) print "Unit tests OK"