table_definitions = { 'groups': 'groupid INTEGER, section INTEGER, pen INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (groupid)', 'animals': 'animalid INTEGER, groupid INTEGER, alive INTEGER, notes TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (animalid)', 'feeds': 'feedid INTEGER, timestamp timestamp, groupid INTEGER, animalid INTEGER, amount REAL, PRIMARY KEY (feedid)', 'notices': 'noticeid INTEGER, timestamp timestamp, animalid INTEGER, data TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (noticeid)' } index_definitions = { 'animals': ['groupid'], 'feeds': ['timestamp', 'animalid'], 'notices': ['timestamp', 'animalid'] } def create_indexes(cursor, table): '''Create indexes for specified table''' for column in index_definitions[table]: indexname = "idx_%s_%s" % (table, column) cursor.execute('''CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (%s)''' % (indexname, table, column)) def create_table(cursor, table): '''Create specified table''' cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, table_definitions[table])) def create_tables(cursor): '''Create all tables and indexes''' for table in table_definitions.keys(): create_table(cursor, table) if index_definitions.has_key(table): create_indexes(cursor, table) def patch_sqlite(): """Compatibility code for datetime support in older sqlite versions. Adapted from""" import datetime import sqlite import sqlite.main def adapt_datetime(val): return val.isoformat(" ") def convert_timestamp(val): datepart, timepart = val.split(" ") year, month, day = map(int, datepart.split("-")) timepart_full = timepart.split(".") hours, minutes, seconds = map(int, timepart_full[0].split(":")) if len(timepart_full) == 2: microseconds = int(float("0." + timepart_full[1]) * 1000000) else: microseconds = 0 val = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds) return val # Tell sqlite it didn't really find mx installed ;-) sqlite.main.have_datetime = False # Replace sqlite's _quote function to include the standard datetime type. def quote(oldfn): def _(value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return "'%s'" % adapt_datetime(value) return oldfn(value) return _ sqlite.main._quote = quote(sqlite.main._quote) # Replace sqlite's connect to add the datetime converter def connect(oldfn): def _(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('converters', {}).update({'timestamp': convert_timestamp}) return oldfn(*args, **kwargs) return _ sqlite.connect = connect(sqlite.connect) ################ # Main import procedure: Open database connection import os import atexit import settings import backups # Better to do backups before opening db dbfile = settings.parser.get('DEFAULT', 'dbfile') newfile = not os.path.isfile(dbfile) # Are we creating a new database? if not newfile: backups.dobackup() backups.cleanbackups() # Open db_conn that is imported to other modules try: import sqlite3 db_conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile, detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) except ImportError: import sqlite patch_sqlite() db_conn = sqlite.connect(dbfile) if newfile: cursor = db_conn.cursor() create_tables(cursor) db_conn.commit() atexit.register(db_conn.commit)