EasyDAV is an easy-to-install WebDAV server. It is implemented in Python using WSGI, and can be installed under e.g. Apache web server as an FCGI program.
WebDAV folders can be mounted as virtual filesystems under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, as well as accessed through separate clients (such as cadaver and CyberDuck) or through the built-in web browser interface.
You can use EasyDAV to give a set of people write access to one of your directories, while keeping everything else secure. Configurable access restrictions allow disabling the upload of executable files, such as PHP scripts.
EasyDAV requires a web server with CGI, FCGI or other WSGI interface, and Python 2.5 or newer. Required Python libraries are python-kid and python-flup.
Download EasyDAV
Version 0.3 (2012-06-06)
Newest development version and older releases are available through svn:
svn co https://svn.kapsi.fi/jpa/webdav/trunk webdav
Documentation consists of this webpage and a readme file.
Any questions can be sent to Petteri Aimonen <jpa@wd.mail.kapsi.fi>.
The following table lists test results for various WebDAV clients with EasyDAV. The clients are tested for connectivity, large file upload/download and unicode filenames.
Client | EasyDAV version | Status | Notes |
Litmus test suite 0.12.1 | 0.2-dev | Partial | Test sets basic, copymove, locks and http pass. Server does not support custom properties. |
cadaver 0.23.3 | 0.1-dev | Ok | Cadaver does not have a command for recursive upload/download. |
Windows Vista SP2 Web Folders | 0.1-dev | Partial | Does not support HTTP Basic Auth, only Digest Auth. May require update KB907306. Files larger than 50 MB may cause Windows to abort transfer. |
Gnome Nautilus 2.30.1 | 0.1-dev | Partial | Copying a folder recursively in Nautilus does not work: Bug #500863. Recursive copy works through ~/.gvfs folder. Parentheses in filename do not work (cause IO Error). |
Konqueror 3.5.9 | 0.1-dev | Partial | Unicode filenames do not work. Note that the tested version of Konqueror is very old. |
Davfs2 1.3.3 | 0.1 | OK | Works fine. |
Mac OS X 10.5.6 Finder | 0.2 | OK | Large file upload was not tested because of slow virtual machine. If you get error -50, try this. |
CyberDuck 3.4.2 | 0.1 | OK | Large file upload was not tested because of slow virtual machine. |
The versions with -dev suffix predate the release, so anything that works with 0.1-dev should work with 0.1, unless any bugs were introduced later in development.
You may also be interested in these programs that are very similar to EasyDAV in function:
The main difference of EasyDAV compared to these frameworks is that EasyDAV aims to provide only simple filesystem access, nothing fancy. This is also visible in code size (2500 lines vs. 15000 for WsgiDAV).
All in all, WsgiDAV is a very promising project and I probably wouldn't have started mine if I had found about it sooner. I'll see in the future which one I prefer, and whether I'll continue EasyDAV.
Copyright 2010 Petteri Aimonen <jpa@wd.mail.kapsi.fi>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: