import PIL.Image as Image import PIL.ImageDraw as ImageDraw import colorsys import random from scikits.learn.gmm import GMM import scipy.misc import scipy.fftpack import scipy import numpy import texture def get_sample(image, x, y): '''Preprocess pixel values to neural net inputs. Converts middle pixel to HSL. Takes 32x32 tile and average of its FFT. ''' r,g,b = image.getpixel((x,y))[:3] hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r/255., g/255., b/255.) x1 = max(0, x - 8) y1 = max(0, y - 8) x2 = min(image.size[0], x + 8) # PIL skips the end coordinate y2 = min(image.size[1], y + 8) tile = image.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2)) extremas = tile.getextrema() x1 = max(0, x - 1) y1 = max(0, y - 1) x2 = min(image.size[0], x + 2) # PIL skips the end coordinate y2 = min(image.size[1], y + 2) tile = image.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2)) extremas2 = tile.getextrema() return hls + tuple([e[0]/255. for e in extremas] + [e[1]/255. for e in extremas] + [(e[1] - e[0])/255. for e in extremas] + [(e[1] - e[0])/255. for e in extremas2]) + tuple(texture.get_sample(image, x, y)) wood ='wms_2465_2467_6027_6028.png') mask ='mask.png').convert('RGB') class Status: def __init__(self): self.status = 0 def __call__(self, now, total): newstatus = int(10 * now / total) * 10 if newstatus != self.status: self.status = newstatus print str(newstatus) + "%", status = Status() print "Collecting training samples..", samples_wood = [] samples_notwood = [] for y in range(0, wood.size[1], 4): status(y, wood.size[1]) for x in range(0, wood.size[0], 4): maskvalue = mask.getpixel((x,y)) if maskvalue == (0,255,0): sample = get_sample(wood, x, y) samples_wood.append(sample) # elif maskvalue == (255,0,0): # samples_notwood.append(sample) print "done" input_count = len(samples_wood[0]) samples_wood.append([0.50] * input_count) #samples_notwood.append([0.50] * input_count) gmm_wood = GMM(n_states = 5, n_dim = input_count) #gmm_notwood = GMM(n_states = 10, n_dim = input_count) print "Fitting GMM's:", print "gmm_wood", #print "gmm_notwood", print "done" print "Collecting testing samples...", test ='wms_nuuksio2.png') output ='RGB', test.size) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(output) step = 4 for y in range(0, test.size[1], step): status(y, test.size[1]) row = [] for x in range(0, test.size[0], step): sample = get_sample(test, x, y) row.append(sample) results_wood = gmm_wood.score(numpy.array(row)) i = 0 for x in range(0, test.size[0], step): value_wood = results_wood[i] draw.rectangle((x,y,x + step, y + step), fill = (0, int(value_wood) + 128, 0)) i += 1 print "done"'output.png')